
Download 2025 Legal Food Frenzy Rules & Orientation

Download Ideas to Increase Your Office's Engagement!


What Is It?

Legal Food Frenzy (LFF) is an annual fundraising competition created in partnership with the Virginia Attorney General, the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) of the Virginia Bar Association, and the Federation of Virginia Food Banks.

The LFF is open to EVERYONE across the Virginia legal community. Now – more than ever – each law firm, law school, legal organization, and corporate/in-house counsel can have the biggest impact on hunger. Everything your team raises benefits the regional food bank that serves YOUR community.

More than 20 million pounds of food have been donated to hungry families through Virginia’s seven regional food banks and 1,100 partner agencies.

How Does It Work?

It's simple! Registration opens on March 3, 2025, and the competition will run from April 14 - April 25. Register your organization here, and you will be connected with your local food bank. If your organization has multiple offices across the state, each office must register with its regional food bank.

Check with your local food bank representative for their current food donations and volunteering policy. Online fundraising is always encouraged, but any checks collected can be mailed to your food bank at the end of the LFF (more information will be sent after your team registers).

How Do I Win?

  1. Regional Winners: All Participating Teams will compete within their respective Food Bank’s service area. This category will have two prizes per region – one based on highest grand total points, the other for per capita points.
  2. Law School Statewide Winners: Includes all staff and students. Teams in this category will compete against other schools from across the Commonwealth. This category will have one prize based on per capita points.
  3. The Attorney General’s Cup: The AG’s Cup has the name of all past winners engraved and resides with the winning firm for the following year. All teams with a headcount of five or greater are eligible to compete for the AG’s Cup, which is given to the team with the highest per capita score in the Commonwealth.

Support our cause to feed the hungry