

Hunger Action Month, recognized by Feeding America and food banks nationwide every September, is the perfect time to renew your commitment to fighting hunger (or make a new one!). This month-long campaign aims to raise awareness of hunger in our country and promote ways for individuals everywhere to get involved in the effort to fight it.

This September, we invite you to learn more about the issue of hunger in our community, as well as share your support for and get more involved with the Food Bank’s mission. Check out our suggestions below for how you can take action and make a real difference to help your neighbors.

Make sure to subscribe to our email list if you aren't already, and follow us on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, or Instagram to stay in the know!


Roll up your sleeves and sign up for a volunteer shift with the Food Bank! From sorting and repacking donated food, packing senior boxes, supporting food distributions, and more, there are a variety of opportunities for you - as well as your friends and family - to choose from.

First-timer? Register to volunteer here.


  • Become a monthly donor or make a one-time gift in honor of Hunger Action Month! Every dollar you give helps provide up to $ worth of food to neighbors facing hunger.
  • Start a Virtual Food Drive for a fun, interactive way to raise funds to feed our neighbors! On average, a meal in Virginia costs $4.06, but the food bank can stretch each dollar donated to help provide 2 nutritious meals!


Take action NOW and tell your members of Congress to come together to provide support for those facing hunger and strengthen critical anti-hunger programs like SNAP in the most recent Farm Bill. This includes:

  • Protecting SNAP's purchasing power so benefits align with grocery prices and provide adequate support during tough economic times.
  • Streamlining SNAP eligibility and enrollment processes to improve access.
  • Improving SNAP access for older adults, college students, and others who do not qualify for or cannot participate in SNAP due to eligibility and enrollment barriers.
  • Helping more military families access SNAP benefits by excluding the Basic Allowance for Housing from the gross income calculation for SNAP eligibility.
  • Protecting SNAP choice and focusing on ensuring affordable access to nutritious foods.
  • Adequately funding and improving state employment and training programs.
  • Ensuring people receiving SNAP benefits can access training opportunities that align with best practices.
  • Removing the time limit on SNAP benefits to support participants as they find work

Don’t forget to GO ORANGE for Hunger Action Day on Tuesday, September 10! Snap a pic and share your support on social media using the hashtag #HungerActionMonth & tag @fredfoodva!

Other Ways to Get Involved

Join us on Saturday, September 14th, for our annual Open House at our Central Rd location!

Support our cause to feed the hungry