Support Food Banks by Fully Funding TEFAP Storage and Distribution

September 5, 2024 / 5 mins read

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) plays a critical role in ensuring that food banks across the country have access to nutritious food from America’s farmers. This program helps provide essential food to people facing hunger, and without it, millions of individuals, including seniors, families, and children, would struggle to put meals on the table. But to make sure this food reaches those in need, food banks need resources to safely store and transport it throughout their communities.

Right now, Congress is working on a spending bill that affects TEFAP funding, which helps food banks cover the high costs of storage and distribution. Last year, only 80% of TEFAP’s budget for these crucial services was funded. As a result, food banks were forced to dip into their already tight budgets to cover these costs—money that could have been spent purchasing more food to help feed those in need.

This year, we have an opportunity to change that. Lawmakers can fully fund TEFAP storage and distribution so food banks won’t have to make the difficult choice between covering operating costs and providing more food to communities. But we need to act now!

Why is this so important?

TEFAP is a lifeline for food banks, delivering USDA-purchased fruits, vegetables, and other staples to distribute in local communities. Without adequate storage and transportation funding, food banks will struggle to get these nutritious foods to the people who need them most.

Imagine the impact if food banks have to cut back on food purchases or distribution efforts because they don’t have enough resources to store or transport TEFAP food. That means less food for vulnerable individuals, such as seniors, children, and even active military members who rely on food banks for support. We can’t let this happen.

What can you do?

It’s time to speak up. Urge lawmakers to prioritize fully funding TEFAP storage and distribution in this year’s spending bill. We have a limited window to make a difference, but your voice can help ensure that food banks have the support they need to continue feeding our neighbors.

By taking just a few minutes to contact your representatives, you can help ensure that federal nutrition programs like TEFAP are adequately funded. Together, we can tackle the crisis of hunger and make sure that no one in our community goes without the food they need to thrive.

Every action counts, and your support could help feed millions.

Let’s act now and make hunger a thing of the past.

Support our cause to feed the hungry