New Tool to Help Neighbors with Kids Stretch Food Dollars
Are you tired of trying to decide what to cook for your family that works with your food dollars?
Do you wish you had help making your food dollars stretch?
Imagine having 6 diverse food experts who can give you new ideas for feeding your family, keeping taste and money in mind!
This meal plan includes everything you need to pinch pennies and still put delicious flavor on the table.
It has over 100+ recipes and meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks! It will teach you to add fruits and veggies into your meals, to make things from scratch to save money, and to introduce you to some new seasonings that may change your cooking game.
Affordable Flavors: Diverse Family Meals for under $500 a Month is a meal plan that helps families make their food last an entire month. Families learn to cook, use WIC and donated foods, and serve their families healthy meals. Kids Eat in Color® brought together a team of culturally diverse nutrition experts to develop recipes, provide nutrition information, and create a beautiful resource that empowers families.
This resource fills the knowledge gap that many families experience. More information and FAQs about the meal plan can be found at​.