End Childhood Hunger Now!
As negotiations for Build Back Better legislation drag on in the Senate, our kids are at risk of losing the crucial provisions that would give them the food they need to learn, play, and grow.
Feeding America has set a goal of sending 2,500 letters to Congress today, demanding that they prioritize Build Back Better legislation that improves access to school meals and helps families with kids afford groceries when school is out.
The FRFB would like to encourage you to be an advocate for federal programs that put meals on the table for our children and write our lawmakers today.
When kids don't get enough to eat, they have trouble focusing, getting good grades, and reaching their full potential. The consequences are devastating and life-long.
That's why Congress has proposed expanding anti-hunger programs – which have been proven to reduce child hunger and child poverty – in Build Back Better legislation. Together, they would:
- Give more kids school meals so they can focus on learning and making friends – not on their growling tummies – and
- ensure kids have enough to eat year-round, so they aren't suddenly left without food when school lets out for the summer.
But we're in danger of Congress cutting these provisions from Build Back Better legislation, just to make a deal. We urge you to write to your lawmakers that it is unacceptable to have legislation that cuts funding for the expansion of lifesaving, hunger-fighting programs for kids.
Feeding America has made it easy for you to become an advocate for children. Just click on this link and let Congress know that with nearly 12 million children facing hunger, Build Back Better legislation MUST prioritize our nation’s most important hunger-fighting programs. Tell your lawmakers: Kids and families are counting on you. It's NOT an option to cut investment in programs like the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer program and the Community Eligibility Provision.
Thank you for joining us in the fight to end hunger for all children – and all people – in this country.